Centre for Digital Innovation Applied to Livestock (C-DIAL)

Genetics | Reproduction | Behaviour | Nutrition | Health & Welfare | Productivity | Food Integrity | Environmental Impact

Dedicated to the development and use of the latest sensor-based and automated technologies to support precision livestock farming and enhance the performance, health and welfare of livestock.

In partnership with

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The Centre for Digital Innovation Applied to Livestock (C-DIAL) capability enables the automated measurement of animal performance and detection of certain animal behaviours that are early signs of health or welfare compromise. By identifying the probability of disease, animals that require treatment can be targeted for treatment. This can result in more efficient use of antibiotics and faster recovery. Digital imaging enables remote visualisation of behaviour and physiology, requiring minimal physical interaction with the animals. Automation enables tailor-made management and continuous monitoring of performance.

Key research expertise

C-DIAL boasts wide-reaching technical expertise from an interdisciplinary team comprising livestock scientists, veterinarians, computer scientists, mathematicians and engineers to address health and welfare management challenges.

  • A farming systems approach to enhancing animal health and welfare
  • Development of practical on-farm monitoring and assessment of livestock
  • Refining husbandry and housing practices to improve health and welfare
  • Application of cutting-edge video and computing techniques for livestock monitoring

Specialist research capability includes:

  • High definition networked digital cameras and depth perception cameras for behaviour observations
  • State-of-the-art, 18m length gait analysis laboratory and associated equipment for tracking movement of any point on the body in 3D & high definition
  • Farmex BarnReport® remote monitoring system to monitor and record environmental conditions
  • Advanced thermal and hyperspectral imaging and flexibility to accommodate a wide range of sensors
  • A Bluetooth weighing system and Nedap feeders to monitor individual animal performance


Automated and accurate determination of the welfare status of individual animals. Early diagnosis and intervention of health or behaviour issues, aiding quicker
recovery and reduced need for antibiotics. Enhanced animal health and welfare to support profitable production and superior product quality.

Supporting the Grand Challenges facing livestock food production:

Health & Welfare Management

Centre for Digital Innovation Applied to Livestock (C-DIAL) Brochure

Click to view and download the full brochure